Antique Maps by Cornelius Wytfliet (*1550 - †1597)
Cornelius van Wytfliet, also known as Cornelis van Wytfliet, was a Flemish cartographer. His Atlas of America with 19 double page engraved maps made him famous today. First published in 1596 in Leuven (Louvain), Flanders in Latin with the title Descriptionis Ptolemaicae Augmentum. The accuracy of some of the maps is still a mystery today. Especially the course of the north coast of North America, the Antarctica and various river courses are reproduced quite accurately, and this before - according to today's knowledge - any European has ever seen these regions. A reprint of the atlas in Dutch followed in 1597, further editions appeared until 1615 in Douai and Arnhem, also in French. A plagiarism with German text first appeared in Cologne in 1604.
Cornelius Wytfliet: Residuum Continentis Cum Adiacentibus Insulis.
Louvain, circa 1597
Early and important antique map of Venezuela and the eastern part of the Caribbean by Cornelis van Wytfliet. First published in 1597 in Descriptionis Ptolemaicae Augmentum . Showing the north...
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