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Sebastian Münster: Regnu Neapolita.
Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1578
Early woodcut map of Southern Italy by Sebastian Münster. The map presents a vivid depiction of the region, spanning from Teracina and Aquila to the southernmost tip of the mainland. The focal...
Antique woodcut map of Southern Italy, Napoli. Printed in Basle by Heinrich Petri in 1578.
Sebastian Münster: Von Italia.
Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1578
Early woodcut map of Northern Italy by Sebastian Münster. This map is one of the earliest printed maps of Northern Italy, drawing on contemporaneous data. The map, oriented towards the south,...
Antique woodcut map of Northern Italy, Napoli. Printed in Basle by Heinrich Petri in 1578.
Sebastian Münster: Mont oder Bergen
Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1578
Early woodcut view of Mons (Bergen) the capital of the province of Hainaut. From the German edition of Sebastian Münster's Cosmography, Cosmographey oder beschreibung aller Länder , on the full...
Antique woodcut town view of Bergen, Mons, Hainaut. Printed in Basle by Heinrich Petri in 1578.
Giovanni Battista Ramusio: Parte de l'Africa
Tommaso Giuntis, Venice, 1556 [1565]
Early woodcut map of Western Africa by G. B. Ramusio after Giacomo Gastaldi. First published in 1556, it is one of the earliest maps of Africa grounded substantially in contemporaneous information....
Antique woodcut map of West Africa. Printed in Venice by Tommaso Giuntis in 1565.
Olivier van Noort: La Baye la Baye
Isaac Commelin, Amsterdam, 1602 [1646]
The earliest Western individual depiction of the Gulf of Albay.Very rare map of the Gulf of Albay in the southern Luzon province of the Philippines by Olivier Van Noort. First published in...
Coloured map of the Gulf of Albay, Luzon, Samar, Philippines. Printed in Amsterdam by Isaac Commelin in 1646.
Sebastian Münster: Das Heilig Judischland mit ausztheilung der Zwolff Geschlechter
Heinrich Petri, Basel, 1540 [1578]
Frühe Holzschnittkarte des Heiligen Landes von Sebastian Münster. Zeigt die Gegend zwischen Gaza und Beirut mit zahlreichen figürlichen Darstellungen im Kartenbild: Route des Auszuges der...
Antike Holzschnitt-Landkarte von Israel. Gedruckt bei Heinrich Petri im Jahre 1578 in Basel.
Sebastian Münster: Sumatra ein grosse Insel, so von den alten Geographen Taprobana, ist genent worden
Heinrich Petri, Basel, 1540 [1578]
Frühe, dekorative Holzschnittkarte von Ceylon (Sri Lanka) von Sebastian Münster. Links neben der Karte Kartusche mit Erklärungstext in 10 Zeilen zum Pfeffer, darüber ein großer Elefant. Rückseitig...
Antike Holzschnitt-Landkarte von Taprobana, Sri Lanka, Ceylon. Gedruckt bei Heinrich Petri im Jahre 1578 in Basel.
Sebastian Münster: Cyria / Cypern / Palestina / Mesopotamia / Babylonia / Chaldea und zwey Arabia mit Bergen Wassern...
Heinrich Petri, Basel, 1578
Frühe, attraktive Holzschnittkarte des östlichen Mittelmeeres und dem Mittleren Osten. Zeigt die Gegend zwischen Nord-Syrien und dem Roten Meer, mit Zypern, dem Heiligen Land, Jordanien und Teilen...
Antike Holzschnitt-Landkarte von Zypern, Palästina, Syrien, Israel. Gedruckt bei Heinrich Petri im Jahre 1578 in Basel.
Sebastian Münster: Die Siebenbürg, so man sunst auch Transsylvaniam nennt
Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1578
Early woodcut map of Transylvania, Romania by Sebastian Münster. The title on verso is surrounded by a beautiful woodcut border. From the German edition of Sebastian Münster's Cosmography, titled...
Antique woodcut map of Transylvania. Printed in Basle by Heinrich Petri in 1578.
Sebastian Münster: Der Statt Rom in aller Weldt bekant contrafhetung nach ietziger gelegenheyt.
Heinrich Petri, Basel, 1578
Große, frühe Holzschnittansicht von Rom (Roma) von Sebastian Münster auf dem vollen Doppelblatt. Rückseitig der Holzschnitt "Die Sibyllischen Weissagerin" mit drei der zehn Sibyllen, die die Gabe...
Antike Holzschnitt-Ansicht von Rom (Roma). Gedruckt bei Heinrich Petri im Jahre 1578 in Basel.
Sebastian Münster: Das gantz Franckreich, so vor zeiten Gallia Narbonensis, Lugdunensis, Belgica und Celtica ist...
Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1540 (1578)
Early woodcut map of France by Sebastian Münster. With the southern part of England. The title on verso is surrounded by a beautiful woodcut border. From the German edition of Sebastian Münster's...
Antique woodcut map of France. Printed in Basle by Heinrich Petri in 1578.
Sebastian Münster: Teütschland mit seinem gantzen begriff und eingschlosznen Landschafften.
Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1540 (1578)
Early woodcut map of Germany by Sebastian Münster. Oriented to the South. Showing the region from Croatia in the upper left to London in the lower right. The title on verso is surrounded by a...
Antique woodcut map of Germany. Printed in Basle by Heinrich Petri in 1578.
Out of stockSebastian Münster: Schwaben und Beyerland, darbey auch begriffen werden Schwartzwald, Otenwald und Nordgoew.
Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1540 (1578)
Early woodcut map of southern Germany by Sebastian Münster. Oriented to the South. Covering the area beween the Lake Constance, Strasbourg, Bamberg and Passau, centred around Ulm. The title on...
Antique woodcut map of Swabia, Bavaria, Baden-Wurttemberg. Printed in Basle by Heinrich Petri in 1578.
Sebastian Münster: Franckenland am Main, beschriben nach aller gelegenheit in Stetten, Wassern, Bergen, Walden und...
Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1540 (1578)
Early woodcut map of Franconia by Sebastian Münster oriented to the South. Showing the region around the river Main. With Nuremberg, Schweinfurt, Bamberg, Würzburg, Fürth, Erlangen, Coburg and...
Antique woodcut map of Franconia, Bavaria. Printed in Basle by Heinrich Petri in 1578.
Sebastian Münster: Schlesia nach aller gelegenheit in Wassern, Stetten, Bergen, mit sampt andern anstossenden Ländern.
Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1578
Early woodcut map of Silesia, Poland by Sebastian Münster oriented to the East. The title on verso is surrounded by a beautiful woodcut border. From the German edition of Sebastian Münster's...
Antique woodcut map of Silesia. Printed in Basle by Heinrich Petri in 1578.
Abraham Ortelius: Hispalensis Conventus Delineatio Auctore Hieronymo Chiaves
Plantin Press, Antwerp, 1592
Beautiful old coloured antique map of Andalusia by A. Ortelius. Depicting Seville and its surroundings in Andalusia. With Córdoba, Écija, and Jerez de la Frontera. From the first modern atlas, the...
Old coloured map of Seville, Andalusia. Printed in Antwerp by Plantin Press in 1592.
Gerard Mercator: Italia
Jodocus Hondius, Amsterdam, 1589 [1619]
Very nice old colored map of Italy by Gerard Mercator. With Sardinia and Corsica. Decorated with a beautiful title cartouche, a galleon and a sea monster.The first edition of the map was...
Old coloured map of Italy. Printed in Amsterdam by Jodocus Hondius in 1619.
Johannes Janssonius: Granata, et Murcia Regna
J. Janssonius, Amsterdam, circa 1635
Old coloured antique map of the Andalusia by J. Janssonius. Shows the historic spanish provinces Granada and Murcia spanning from the Strait of Gibraltar to Alicante, covering notable cities such...
Old coloured map of Murcia, Granada. Printed in Amsterdam by J. Janssonius circa 1635.
Sebastian Münster: Das Engelland mit dem Anstossenden Reich Schottland so vor zeiten Albion und Britannia haben...
Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1540 [1578]
Early, unusual woodcut map of England, oriented to the East. Sebastian Munster's map was the first separately printed map of England and a landmark in the history of British maps. The map...
Antique woodcut map of England. Printed in Basle by Heinrich Petri in 1578.
Sebastian Münster: Hispania nach Aller seiner gelegenheit in Bergen, Wassern, Statten, Völkern Königreichen und Inseln.
Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1540 [1578]
Early woodcut map of Spain and Portugal by Sebastian Münster. With the islands Majorca and Minorca. The title on verso is surrounded by a beautiful woodcut border. From the German edition of...
Antique woodcut map of Spain - Portugal. Printed in Basle by Heinrich Petri in 1578.
Jodocus Hondius: Nassovia Comitatus
Henricus Hondius, Amsterdam, 1633
Antique map of the county of Nassau by J. Hondius. Shows the Westerwald and the Taunus with the Lahn river basin (from Lollar to Lahnstein) in the center. With Koblenz, Wiesbaden, Gießen, Olpe,...
Coloured map of Nassau. Printed in Amsterdam by Henricus Hondius in 1633.
Gerard Mercator: Walachia, Servia, Bulgaria, Romania
Jodocus Hondius, Amsterdam, 1633
Coloured map of the Eastern Balkans by Jodocus Hondius. Shows the Wallachia, Serbia, Bulgaria and Romania, in the south Macedonia, in the east the west coast of the Black Sea. First published in...
Antique map of the Eastern Balkans with Romania, Bulgaria and Serbia. Printed in Amsterdam by Jodocus Hondius in 1607.
Jodocus Hondius: Ins. Ceilan quae Incolis Tenarisin Dicitur
H. Hondius, Amsterdam, 1633
Beautiful coloured antique map of Ceylon (Sri Lanka) by Jodocus Hondius. Oriented with east at the top, decorated with an elephant, a deer, a fox, a sailing ship, a compass rose and three...
Coloured map of Sri Lanka, Ceylon. Printed in Amsterdam by H. Hondius in 1633.
Jodocus Hondius: Chili
J. Janssonius, Amsterdam, 1633
Beautiful antique map of Chile by Jodocus Hondius. Showing Chile along its Pacific coast with an eastward orientation. The rugged, mountainous terrain dominates the interior, also two...
Coloured map of Chile. Printed in Amsterdam by J. Janssonius in 1633.