Antique Maps by Gabriel Bucelin (*1599 - 1681)

Gabriel Bucelin, also Butzlin, Bucelinus or Bucelino was a Benedictine priest, Humanist, historical writer and cartographer from Diessenhofen in Switzerland active in Weingarten and Feldkrich. In addition to numerous manuscript maps of the Lake Constance region, he also left a genealogical and the historical booklet Historiae Universalis cum Sacretum prophanae Nucleus with 16 woodcut maps and a chronicle of the city of Constance (Konstanz) Constantia Rhenana Lacus Moesii olim, Hodie agronii et Potamici Metropolis with a large engraved map of the Lake Constance.
  • Gabriel Bucelin:  Lacus potamici cum adjacentibus urbibus, oppidis, pagis, castris, villis, obiter adumbrata...

    J. Gerlin, Frankfurt, 1667

    Very rare antique map of the of the Lake Constance (Bodensee) by Gabriel Bucelin. It was published in Constantia Rhenana Lacus Moesii Olim, Hodie Acronii Et Potamici Metropolis, Sacra Et Profana...

    Lacus potamici cum adjacentibus urbibus, oppidis, pagis, castris,...
    1667 - Gabriel Bucelin

    Antique map of the Lake Constance. Printed in Frankfurt by J. Gerlin in 1667.

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