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Gerard Mercator: Irlandiae Regnum
H. Hondius, Amsterdam, 1633
Large, two-sheet map of Ireland by G. Mercator. Consists of two double-page engraved maps that, when combined, form a large and comprehensive map of Ireland. The two sheets are not joined together....
Coloured map of Ireland. Printed in Amsterdam by H. Hondius in 1633.
John Thornton: A New Chart of the Irish Sea
Samuel Thornton, London, circa 1711
Very rare nautical chart of the Irish Sea by John Thornton. Showing the detailed coastline of the east coast of Ireland, Wales and the west coast of England. Small inset map of the Walney Island...
Coloured sea chart of Irish Sea. Printed in London by Samuel Thornton in 1711.
Carel Allard: Hyberniae Regni in Provincias Ultoniam, Connachian, Lageniam, Momoniamq Divisi Tabula...
Covens & Mortier, Amsterdam, circa 1730
Rare old coloured antique map of Ireland by Carel Allard. This is the edition by Covens and Mortier. Two impressive cartouches, numerous sailing ships in the Atlantic and Irish Seas. Very nice...
Old coloured map of Ireland. Printed in Amsterdam by Covens & Mortier circa 1730.
Benedetto Bordone: Islanda - Irlanda [Iceland and Ireland]
Venice, 1528-1565
Early woodcut map of Iceland by Benedetto Bordone. On verso the map of Ireland.From Libro di Benedetto Bordone... de tutte l'isole del mondo... , more commonly known as Isolario of...
Antique woodcut map of Iceland and Ireland. Printed in Venice between 1528 and 1565.
Tomaso Porcacchi: Irlanda - Descrittione dell'Isola d'Irlanda.
Simon Galignani, Girolamo Porro, Venice, 1572
First edition of Porcacchi's very attractive and early map of Ireland. This finely-executed map shows Ireland with north to the right. With a compass rose, title cartouche and several sea monsters....
Antique map of Ireland. Printed in Venice by Simon Galignani, Girolamo Porro in 1572.
Abraham Ortelius: Eryn. Hiberniae, Britannicae Insulae, Nova Descriptio. Irlandt
Christoffel Plantin, Antwerp, 1580 or 1589
Old coloured antique map of Ireland by Abraham Ortelius. The west-oriented map is based on the large wall map of Great Britain by Mercator from 1564 and comes from a German Ortelius atlas of 1580...
Old coloured map of Ireland. Printed in Antwerp by Christoffel Plantin in 1580 or 1589.
Gerard Mercator: Irlandiae Regnum
Amsterdam, 1595 (1628)
Hand coloured map of Ireland by G. Mercator. Oriented to the West. Decorative title cartouche. French text on verso.
Original antique map of Irland. Printed in Amsterdam in 1628.
Abraham Ortelius: Irlandiae Accurata Descriptio, Auctore Baptista Boazio
J. B. Vrients, Antwerp, 1608 or 1612
Rare and incredible decorative map of Ireland with beautiful old colour. This west-oriented map rarely appears on the market, since it was bound in only a few copies of the Ortelius Atlas, while...
One of the most desirable map of Ireland for collectors. Based on the map of Boazio, published by J. B. Vrients in Antwerp between 1608 and 1612.
Gerard Mercator: Irlandiae Regnum
H. Hondius, Amsterdam, 1633
Beautiful coloured antique map of Ireland by Gerard Mercator. Top right a title cartouche. Oriented to the West. From the French edition of the Mercator-Hondius Atlas of 1633. French text on verso.
Coloured map of Ireland. Printed in Amsterdam by H. Hondius in 1633.
Johannes Janssonius: Hibernia Regnum vulgo Ireland. Amstelodami, Apud Ioannem Ianssonium
Amsterdam, circa 1636
Original old hand coloured map of Ireland by J. Janssonius. One of the most beautiful maps of Ireland. Decorative title cartouche with the Irish harp and Royal arms above. Showing the coasts of...
Old coloured map of the British Islands. Printed in Amsterdam circa 1636.
Johannes Janssonius: Pascaart vant Canaal tusschen Engelant en Vrancryck, alsmede geheel Ierlant en Schotlant ......
Johannis Janssonius, Amsterdam, circa 1650
Rare and very decorative sea chart of the coastal waters of the British Isles and the English Channel. Oriented to the west. Beautified with rhumb lines and two compass roses. The beautiful title...
Old coloured sea chart of the British Isles. Printed in Amsterdam by Johannis Janssonius circa 1650.
Willem Janszoon Blaeu: Ultonia, Hibernis Cui-Guilly, Anglis Ulster
Joan Blaeu, Amsterdam, 1654
Antique map of Ulster, Northern Ireland by Joan Blaeu. Decorated with a magnificent cartouche, a coat of arms and a sailing ship. This is the first variant with only one ship. First published in...
Old coloured map of Northern Ireland, Ulster. Printed in Amsterdam by Joan Blaeu in 1654.
Willem Janszoon Blaeu: Connachtia vulgo Connaughty
Joan Blaeu, Amsterdam, 1654
Antique map of Connacht in the north-west of Ireland by Joan Blaeu. Decorated with a magnificent cartouche and a coat of arms. This is the first variant without any ships. First published in...
Old coloured map of Connacht, Northwestern Ireland. Printed in Amsterdam by Joan Blaeu in 1654.
Johannes van Keulen: Paskaart van de West Cust van Yrlandt beginnnende van Klady tot aen de Blasques ...
Hendrick Doncker, Amsterdam, 1681
Sea chart of the west coast of Ireland by Johannes van Keulen. Shows the coastline from the Aran Islands to the Great Blasket Islands. Beautified with two decorative cartouches, sailing ships and...
Coloured sea chart of the west coast of Ireland. Printed in Amsterdam by Hendrick Doncker in 1681.
Greenville Collins: This Chart of Kingsale Harbour...
Freeman Collins, London, 1693-1792
Decorative antique sea chart of Kinsale in County Cork, Ireland. Shows the coastline from the lighthouse at the Old Head of Kinsale to Ballymacus. Kinsale Harbour at the mouth of the River Bandon...
Coloured sea chart of Kingsale Harbour, County Cork. Printed in London by Freeman Collins between 1693 and 1792.
Christoph Weigel: Regni Hiberniae accurata tabula…
Johann Ernst Adelbulner, Nuremberg, 1718
Antique map of Ireland by Christoph Weigel. Decorated with a beautiful title cartouche. From Bequemer Schul- und Reisen-Atlas also titled Atlas scholasticus et itinerarius by Christoph Weigel....
Old coloured map of Ireland. Printed in Nuremberg by Johann Ernst Adelbulner in 1718.
Johann Baptist Homann: Hiberniae Regnum tam in Praecipuas Ultoniae, Connaciae, Laceniae et Momoniae quam in Minores...
J. B. Homann, Nuremberg, circa 1720
Old coloured engraved map of Ireland by Johann Baptist Homann. The beautiful title cartouche shows the Irish coat of arms with the Celtic harp, below a decorative mileage scale with the coat of...
Old coloured map of Ireland. Printed in Nuremberg by J. B. Homann circa 1720.
Mount & Page: A Chart of the Coasts of Ireland and part of England
Mount & Page, London, circa 1740
Rare sea chart of Ireland by Mount and Page. Shows the detailed coastline of Ireland, Wales, the west coast of England and the southwest coast of Scotland. With details of water depth, sandbanks...
Coloured sea chart of Ireland. Printed in London by Mount & Page circa 1740.
Emanuel Bowen: A New and Accurate Map of Ireland ...
E. Bowen, London, 1747
Decorative engraved map of Ireland by Bowen from 'A Complete System of Geography'. Decorated with one cartouche, a compass rose and a mileage scale.
Antique map of Ireland. Printed in London by E. Bowen in 1747.
Franz Johann Joseph von Reilly: Des Königreichs Ireland Provinz Mounster mit dem nördlichen Theile der Provinzen Leinster und...
Reilly, Vienna, 1791
Antique map of Ireland by F. J. v. Reilly. Shows the southern part of Ireland.From Reilly's Schauplatz der fünf Theile der Welt , an atlas with over 1000 maps in total. It became famous for...
Old coloured map of Ireland. Printed in Vienna by Reilly in 1791.
Franz Johann Joseph von Reilly: Des Königreichs Ireland Provinz Ulster mit dem nördlichen Theile der Provinzen Leinster und...
Reilly, Vienna, 1791
Antique map of Ireland by F. J. v. Reilly. Shows the northern part of Ireland.From Reilly's Schauplatz der fünf Theile der Welt , an atlas with over 1000 maps in total. It became famous for...
Old coloured map of Ireland. Printed in Vienna by Reilly in 1791.